eStarling : Cool wi-fi enabled Flickr photo frame

Came across this flickr enabled LCD Frame on ThinkGeek.

It looks like quite neat, it’s a standalone wi-fi LCD photo frame that connects to your wireless network and automatically displays images emailed to it in a slideshow. You can also specify an RSS feed from flickr based on tagged keywords.

For me its yet another example of how web based services are being integrated into every day objects. In some instances these border on the ridiculous ( flickr enabled umbrella ), in other cases the integration is subtle and quite useful like this. I personally like the idea of having a photo frame that will randomly display different pictures based on criteria I specify. Especially if its simple to use and doesn’t require me to have to think too much about how I can get it to work. The RSS Integration with flickr was a nice extension that doesnt detract at all from its primary function which is to display your photos.

** Since posting this up, someone has commented below with first hand experience of this product, please read his comments, it appears that the device isn’t as wonderful as it first sounds. Thanks very much for the heads up Mike.

2 thoughts on “eStarling : Cool wi-fi enabled Flickr photo frame

  1. I thought the exact same thing as you, and ordered one of these frames. Save your money, good idea but the product is junk. Also misleading, you don’t connect to flickr from the frame, it connects to a company website you have to maintain an account on, and from there the site will connect to flickr – makes me nervous as to what happens to my frame when the company takes down the site.

    My review is here and there is also an honest Gizmodo review.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Mike, I appreciate you sharing that with us. I had assumed from the description of the product that it connected directly through to flickr.

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