Tennyson’s The Lady of Shalott is easily one of the most beautiful and memorable poems I’ve ever read. I love reading the poem but it always leaves me feeling more than just a little grief stricken – as a theme unrequited love can be pretty painful. Whenever I pick up one of the various collections of Tennysons work’s that I have, no matter what else I read, I feel drawn to this poem it’s as though I have this terrible fixation with it – I’ll always read it. There’s something about it … it’s hard to articulate, erm … actually its probably not hard to articulate I’m simply choosing not to 😉
Nevertheless I was introduced to some of Loreena McKennitt’s musical works recently, amongst her many songs is this absolutely mesmerising adaptation of Tennyson’s poem:
All I’ll say is it pretty much moved me to tears … I wasn’t listening to the YouTube video itself (I bought her album on iTunes) so whilst the imagery in the video is pretty, I don’t find it particularly moving. I was listening to the song on my iPod and following the words in the poem. It really is one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, and she succeeds in bringing each stanza of the poem to life …
Hi Nadeem
This year is the bicentenary of the birth of Alfred Lord Tennyson and as part of the celebrations of his life and work we have made a short filmed dramatisation of The Lady of Shalott. We based the look of the film on the paintings by John William Waterhouse and we were very lucky to find an actress with beautiful long red hair that looked very like his model in the boat. The process of filming the words has renewed my appreciation of the poem and the whole thing has been a very rewarding experience. It is a poem which touches many people’s hearts.