Video on flickr

Yay! finally we can upload and share our video’s on flickr. You can read about the new service over on the flickr blog

Here’s a funny video posted up by the flickr dev team:

Only Pro members can upload video’s and they can only be 90 seconds long which I actually find quite appealing as they explain on the Video FAQ:

Video on Flickr grew out of the idea of “long photos” and as such, we’ve implemented what might seem like an arbitrary limit of playing back the first 90 seconds of a video. 90 seconds?

We’re not trying to limit your artistic freedom, we’re trying something new. Everyone has endured that wedding video, where even the bride will fast-forward to the “good bit.”

I think its great 🙂

flickrvision is so cool

I was pair programming with Rob yesterday, at some point during the day he showed me flickrvision running on his machine. I have never used it before but found myself drawn to the new 3d Visualisation it supports. Since I got into work this morning I have had it running on my second screen. I could almost sit here and watch it all day. It is constantly updated with photos uploaded to flickr by users from all over the world. As a new image is posted the map shifts to the user location and the image appears. It really is awesome … somehow makes the world seem closer, as this stream of images shows us whats happening around the world. I love it!

Edit your photos directly in Flickr

Flickr has partnered with the online image editing website Picknik to provide users with the ability to edit their photos directly inside their Flickr account. It’s very easy to use, you simply log into Flickr, click on one of your pictures and then click on the new Edit Photo button, then once you have confirmed that you are happy to have Picnik open in your Flickr account, the Picnik photo editor will appear and you can now crop, resize, sharpen etc. your image. You can also have some fun playing around with the preset effects.

Whilst this won’t replace Photoshop it does provide a very convenient way of editing photos for users who don’t really want, or need, to get to grips with mainstream graphics or image processing applications, and you don’t need to be a professional photo editor to get to grips with it.