Here’s a couple of useful bash commands I’ve been using recently when working with Subversion:
The first helps me with an annoyance I have with externals. Normally doing a “svn st –ignore-externals” still lists all the externals even though I’m not actually interesting in seeing them when I want to know what I’ve changed locally. For example in the output below I only really want to know that I’ve changed ‘development-tenants.xml’, i’m not really interested in the rest.
Nadeems-Computer:zephyr-trunk nadeemshabir$ svn st --ignore externals X lib/arc X lib/moriarty X lib/simpleSAMLphp X 3rdPartyDevelopmentTools/svnant-1.0.0 X 3rdPartyDevelopmentTools/PHPUnit X 3rdPartyDevelopmentTools/selenium-server-1.0-beta-1 X 3rdPartyDevelopmentTools/selenium-core-0.8.3 M developmentdata/development-tenants.xml
To address this the first command is an alias I’ve created that shows me all the files that I’ve changed/added/removed locally but specifically doesn’t list anything related to any externals
alias whatschanged='svn st --ignore-externals | grep -v "^X "'
The second bash command deals with the fact that I often have a large number of files I want to add to subversion all at once. This command takes all un-added files and adds them to subversion …
svn st | grep '^? ' | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs svn add
Hope you find them useful.